
Sunday, November 29, 2009

And the winner is...

After a week of posting (2 for Jas and 2 for me) the tally is in and the WINNER is about to be declared.

Here is the final collection of comments added up:
Jason--7 total comments
Charity--9 total comments

So who's the winner?
CHARITY E. PALMER..that's right! Guess who gets to choose her favorite restaurant? And guess who gets to post a picture of her husband in one of her dresses? ME!!!

Without further's Jason beginning to decorate our Christmas tree in a dress. But don't worry, we decked him out with a little Christmas cheer (aka hat):

Here I would like to quote Jason: "never again..." But I do want to remind him that HE chose the consequences and that's what he gets for thinking he was going to win ;)

So thanks to those of you who helped me win! I have chosen to go to OLIVE GARDEN for dinner..and I am very much looking forward to the salad and breadsticks. Thanks again, friends!


  1. haha that's funny. he didn't stretch out your itty bitty dress did he? cute festive blog! love the picture of the ornaments! did you take that?

  2. I did take that picture--thanks, er! hope you had a great thanksgiving and check your email soon!

  3. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...


  4. Wow, that's a priceless photo...that's a keeper for the kids someday! Glad you won Charity! Don't forget to partake in the Olive Garden Chocolate Mints!!

  5. This does not surprise me at all...if you want to see pics of Jason and Jon Chasteen with Marianne's hair bows in their hair just let me know.

  6. So fun! My husband has only blogged twice during our marriage-- and I've kept blogs since 2005! :)


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