
Monday, November 30, 2009

A Day at Biltmore

The day after Thanksgiving, Jason and I had the privilege of going to Asheville, NC to visit the Biltmore house. It was exciting and beautiful, to say the least. We had a really good time walking around, touring the house, visiting the gardens, playing with our new camera, and spending time together ;)

Here's a glimpse at our trip. First stop, the tour of the house (can't take pictures inside..but I sure wish you could have!)

Second stop, LUNCH! Take a look at that amazing pretzel. And that huge hot dog.

Then a hike up a hill to take a look at the views of the house/estate...

After the wowing views from the hilltop, we headed down to the gardens. This was probably my favorite part. I got into taking pictures of the flowers, and Jas tried his hand too...

When we finished our garden tour, we made a final stop at some shops on the estate.

All in all, it was a great trip. Thanks mom/pop for the trip for our birthdays! Maybe one day we'll be able to go back as this sweet couple...


  1. So fun! I would LOVE to go to the Biltmore- especially near Christmas!

  2. What a neat leaf! Never seen a leaf like that with holes in it. Looks like it was fun. I'm glad to see pictures. :)



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