
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bella or baby?

It's no secret that many people treat their dogs (pets) as children. It's also no secret that we fall into that category. Bella is an amazing dog and very smart. However, she is famous for being a bit (understatement) hyper and overexcited when guests come over. The dog whisperer would have a field day training her in the calming down category. But other than that, and the massive amounts of dog hair I vacuum up daily, Bella is a super duper "child."

We occasionally (I know, I know, and I was complaining about pet hair...) let her on the couch but ONLY when her special blue blanket is there to shield the couch of hair. So last night I let her up on the couch with me while I was relaxing and we snuggled. I then got up to do something else and she didn't budge! I caught her relaxin' in action:

Yeah, she's spoiled.

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