
Monday, November 16, 2009

Motivation Monday

A lot of our motivation for purchasing our new camera came from our desire to travel and do missions. Both Jason and I have been to many different countries and have experienced different cultures. We hope to get better at capturing these different locations and cultures on our future trips. I often spend time looking for photo motivation (as well as inspiration and education in photography) on photo blogs/websites.

Thus was born "Motivation Monday." On this Monday I am going to highlight (or spotlight) one photographer who motivates me to be a photographer (even a non-professional, hobby photographer!). These photos by Pete Carr are stunning and truly capture the essence of the location. Here's a sampling.

I am sure you can see why these photos inspire me so! Thanks, Pete Carr for being a great photographer and inspiring super amateur, beginner photographers like my husband and I.

Go now and check out his other incredible photos.


  1. I love the sunset ones (Of course)!!! Is your blog going to look different everytime I come to it???

  2. YAY! I'm so glad you joined the blogging world! Now I can keep up with you all the time =). What kind of camera did you get? I love the pictures!

  3. yay! let me echo that I'm glad you started a blog! it is fun :) and just so you know... we bought a "squeeze bottle" cousin to the neti pot- I'll let you know how it goes! Hope you feel better as well!


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