
Friday, January 22, 2010

Foto Funny + cookie lovin'

This a combined post--both a FOTO FUNNY and story of my love for cookies.

Around the Palmer house, cookies and sweets are typically not a mainstay.  However, once in a while, one member of our twosome will get a "sweet tooth" craving (and by one member, I will go ahead and confess, it's usually me)

This time, the sweet tooth fairy delivered a craving for cookies (my favorites being plain-jane-but-ever-so-amazing chocolate chip cookies), but this time I went with gingerbread cookies.  We just so happened to actually have a bag of gingerbread cookie mix in the pantry (yes, I cheat when I make cookies--one day I will learn to be a baker!).  So I went to town mixing and cutting gingerbread cookie shapes--stars and gingerbread men.

Let's just say that those cookies are nearly gone already ;)  It doesn't take long for us to devour some cookies!  But now, alas, our only remaining cookie mix is gone and until the next craving (hopefully a while from now), we will be cookie free at the Palmer house.

I did manage to catch this 'lil guy trying to escape the cookie escapades.

And what do you do when they runaway?  YOU EAT THEM!!!

(disclaimer: please forgive the overuse of parentheses and the cheesy-ness of this post! :)


  1. haha oh my're too funny. :) i always have a sweet tooth, but tyler's the one around here who usually caves first and requests something sweet.

  2. That's a funny picture! We both always want something sweet... and I keep the house pretty stocked with little chocolates :)


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