
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A perfect day for...

A nice jog outside in this amazing 60-something degree weather!  A light breeze + warm sun + NO ALLERGIES= perfect time to jog (notice I didn't say run, I WISH I were a runner...but nope, just a jogger :)

Listening to the ipod.  And particularly listening to the ipod while jogging.

Driving with your windows down.  Don't you just love the breeze?

Throwing a worn-out football with your dog.

And most importantly, dwelling on our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ.  It's hard not to think about Him with the sun shining bright, but oh how I desire to dwell on Him daily.  Just a pondering...

(FYI, I did stage this picture.  I am participating in Project 365 and sometimes I stage pictures to look back on...and to practice with my camera still..haha.)


  1. yeah... I wish I were a runner too. Maybe one day... Hope Project 365 is going great! I think it is a neat/fun idea. I'm sure you'll love looking back on it.

  2. I love jogging on pretty days! And you could totally be a runner...if I can, ANYONE CAN! I'm loving all your photos from the new camera! Hope you are having a good week, Char!

  3. I guess I'm eating my words from Sunday here! I'm proud of ya :)


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