
Thursday, February 11, 2010


Today over at I Should Be Folding Laundry, there's another YOU CAPTURE going on...and today's theme is: WORK.

I am sure this can be taken so many different ways, but when I think of work...I think of one place.  Carrington Middle School.  So I got to work taking photos of my work place.  That good 'ole Spanish classroom, where middle-schoolers come and go all day...oh the joy ;)
We call this the bulletin board of "Palabras y Frases Importantes" or "Important Words and Phrases."

A row of materials used on a daily basis--whoo!

My attempt at incorporating creativity into class...Thank you, Crayola!

And there you have it, my interpretation of WORK.  Middle school is such a..."fun"...age ;)


  1. you teach spanish? seems like a fun job.

  2. Mmmm I can smell those crayons. Gracias for sharing

  3. That is awesome!! You so often hear people talk about how difficult that age is. It is nice to hear someone talk so positively about it.


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