
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feeling Random...

Just a few random thoughts for you today :)

*I am ready for spring! (without allergies, though)
*I love Target's $1 section
*I wore a sombrero in class all day today (Hats for Haiti = way cool fund raiser for students to raise money for Haiti)
*Have you tried Propel's Kiwi-Strawberry water?  It's amazing!
*I think my husband comes up with some hilarious songs about silly things
*Grading papers=not fun, not fun, and more not fun, BUT writing with Sharpie pens makes it that much more bareable :)
*I have an itching to do something creative (maybe paint, draw something, a craft?  Any ideas?!)
*NCIS comes on tonight...woot woot!
*Isn't it great fun to get an unexpected, handwritten letter in the mail?  It just makes your day...
*I am digging wearing Smart Wool socks...they have great cushioning :)
*It's time to go take my photo for the will it be today?

And now a random picture (because I think these boots are precious...they're Attabel's! Anyone want to buy me a pair? ;)

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love random posts! I too love those boots! Way cute! :)

  2. I like the idea of a post full of random thoughts. I may steal this idea sometime. :)



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