
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clutter Craziness

 Today we Palmer's hailed Saturday as CLUTTER FREE DAY.  AKA, we tackled that clutter mess around here.  Let's break it down.

I would not generally call myself Type-A when it comes to cleaning and organizing, but I am most definitely not a fan of piles of stuff and clutter.  So, it was time to face those areas where it was, well, cluttered...

I started with the closet in the hallway, where Jas and I both got rid of some never worn coats, jackets, etc.

Then it was time to address that messy, catch-all of a basket sitting on the coffee table.  Just for a little visual aid, here's a few before and afters...

I moved from the den to the bedroom where the piles of clothes, not so neatly put away, were taken care of.  I purged (great word for getting rid of things!) many shirts and clothes that weren't worn within the last few months.  No more holding on to things because I thought at some point I might wear them--they had to go!

Take a look at the new and improved drawers around here:

It was then off to the study.  Where I tackled my "craft corner."  (nope, no craft room for me...I wish...but a craft corner will do :)

So this may not look like TOO much progress, but it feels good to have uncluttered some of those unwanted piles.  Now to keep it that way--Real Simple, you're my inspiration...

And while I was doing all the above de-cluttering...

Jas was doing manly stuff.  You know, like eating raw fish from the stream, climbing mountains barefooted, oh, and pulling up bushes with a tractor ;)

1 comment:

  1. i am most impressed/envious of the fact that jason is wearing shorts and a t-shirt outside...i can't wait to do that!


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