
Friday, March 12, 2010

Mi Fuente de Vida

After the Seth Condrey band performed for our Metamorphosis weekend, I have been listening non-stop to his cd "De Corazón A Corazón."  My favorite song on the cd is called "Si No Fuera Por Ti," which translates to "If it weren't for you."  I can't stop singing it in my head...ah (but it's ok, because it's that good).

Check out these lyrics...

"Tu eres mi fuente de vida,
Eres la luz que me ilumina,
No hay un amor tan fuerte,
Tan grande, como con el
Que tu me transformaste."

Which loosely translates to...

"You are my fountain of life,
You are the light that lights me (illuminates me, my way),
There is no other love so strong,
So great, as that with which
You have transformed me."

MAN!  How GREAT is our Father's love for us!  How VAST beyond all measure...

And because this song makes me think of God's greatness, here's a photo snapped in Boone.

**disclaimer:  I have no idea what happened to the spacing in this post, or how to fix it.  grrrr...Blogger.** 


  1. Everyday I understand even more how much God loves us. He is AMAZING!

    I love you two,

  2. How great the Father's love for's amazing! Hope you had a great week, friend!


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