
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Got me dreamin'

I am quite the fan of warm weather.

And this partially sunny weather, my friends, has got me dreaming...

Of being here.

Cancun, Mexico, 2008

Or here.

Islands off of Greece, 2009

Here, definitely...

Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, 2008

And I'd also be just fine being here.

Outer-banks, NC, 2009

But in the meantime, until Spring Break, and our trip to Haiti in 2 weeks (ready to go!), I will be content in where I am.  Or better yet, I will pray for strength to be content where I am.  Let's be real, sometimes when you're frustrated, tired, or anticipating something, it's hard to be content.  This is a challenge for me.  A challenge I want to overcome.  I want to be thankful for this very day and I want to find my contentment in Christ.


  1. tell me about it girl. when i checked the weather, i gave a shriek of happiness because it's going to be 48 degrees. 48 DEGREES!!!! and i'm EXCITED! i'm so ready to be anywhere hot...and so are my permanently frozen toes...

  2. i'm with you...dreaming of a beach!

    i'm also a little jealous of your impending trip to Haiti =)


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