
Friday, March 19, 2010


If you've never heard of H&M, then you must stop what you're doing and read this post (particularly if you are female!)

I first experienced H&M in Spain when I was studying abroad.  I walked in and fell in love (ok, maybe that's a little exaggerated...but I did really like the store).  The clothes were cute and cheap.  Who can beat that!?

If you're wondering why I am writing about my love for H&M it's because THERE IS NOW ONE IN RALEIGH!  Did you hear me!?  In Raleigh!  At Crabtree Valley Mall.   I no longer have to search them out in big cities (I've been to ones in NYC, Athens, Madrid, Paris...oh goodness...)  The H&M in Raleigh opened yesterday!  Aren't you excited?  Ok, maybe it's just me.  I'll calm down now.

So go check out there site.  You can't shop online (they're cool like that ??) but you can find stores close to you and look at their latest lines. Just click here.

And I knew H&M was coming.  But I was reminded by this post. 
I LOVE YOU   (not dramatic at all, right?  I mean we're talking about a clothing store here for goodness sakes)

1 comment:

  1. I love H&M too! Too bad we don't live closer...we could totally go shopping at H&M together.

    I hope you had a nice week. I hope you have a relaxing weekend!


leave us some love!