
Saturday, March 27, 2010


No, not the magazine.  Rae Francis!!!  Tomorrow she is a seventeen year old chick!

On Thursday night Roseanne, Katy, and I took Rae out to celebrate her impending birthday.  We hit up Chili's for some delish food and gift-giving.

Rae and her birthday goods.  And no worries, that's a virgin pina colada for the birthday girl :)

Mom-in-law and I.  And yes, my hair looks large and in charge...ha.

Cute pic of the bday girl and KT in front of the LARGE chile.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and FELIZ CUMPLEANOS, Rae Francis!  Hope you have a great day!


  1. I feel so honored to make your blog! Thanks for a great birthday! :)

  2. Happy birthday to Rae! Yay!!


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