
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shopping Spree!

Friday Jas and I got to go on a shopping spree.  Woot woot!  And better yet, a shopping spree for Haiti (that rhymes).

We hit up not only Walmart, but REI, Michaels, Target, and Macy's.  Not only were we shopping (mainly) for our trip to Haiti, but between the month of April and the beginning of May, there are five birthdays in our two families (that's a lot!).  I also picked up some prizes for a drawing at school.  (Don't worry...we used as many coupons as we could find :)

Here's the breakdown:
*Gifts for family members
*6 or 7 meals for Jas and I while in Haiti
*Candy/gifts to give out to kids in Haiti
*Other supplies for Haiti
*Personal items for the house
*Prizes for students in my classes

Take a look at our loot! 

I am eager and excited about this trip to Haiti.  I am also anxious and prayerful about how it will effect both myself and our team.  I know how much I loved Haiti last year (and it was no easy trip then), but I can only imagine it's going to be harder on the heart this year.  Both spiritually and emotionally this will be a tough trip (not to mention physically!).  Please be praying for our team as we prepare to head out next weekend.  Pray for strength and endurance in Christ daily.

There's also a link to our team's Haiti blog on the right side of our blog.  Right over there. --->
You can keep up with us while we're there.  I will be sending emails and (hopefully) pictures to be posted on the blog while we are in Haiti.  Check it out!

Now to organize all those goods into 1) bags for Haiti, 2) birthday presents, 3) prizes for drawing, 4) personal items for the house. Gotta get started! :)


  1. We'll be praying for the Haiti team! What's y'all's plan while you're down there?


  2. That's an impressive pile of STUFF!!! ;)

  3. I'M ON YOUR TEAM!!! It's going to be awesome!!!

  4. Wow you guys did rack up!! I'm heading out to do mu loot gathering tomorrow...juat a few more days, Char! Yay :)


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