
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Farmer's Market Fun

Today probably marks the fourth (or so...) trip to the Farmer's Market with Mr. Elton Earp.  Each time we go it's a must that we eat at the Farmer's Market restaurant (they have the world's best and LARGEST pancakes...ok, maybe second to Elmo's Diner).

After a delicious meal (Elton always gets eggs, links, and grits and Jas gets some sort of omelete), we go shop for some produce.  Today's list:  strawberries and candy.  Candy, of course, is not produce, but Elton likes to treat some people by buying them things.  Candy was his gift choice today.

I snapped a few pictures while there.  Jas and I also picked up some tulips for the kitchen table.  That's the one place in the house I like flowers and they always brighten the room up, which makes me smile :)

Aren't they cute?

Me and my best friend!

Yum.  It just screams freshness.

When we got back from the market, I made Elton model for me in front of his old truck.  Isn't that the coolest old truck you've ever seen?

Part of the bundle of flowers happily placed on our kitchen table.

It was a good Saturday.  If only pollen would go away...

1 comment:

  1. Char you look real cute in those glasses. I'm jealous that you went to the farmer's market. I'm sure Tyler would be jealous of Elton's truck. And that's a pretty picture of those flowers!


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