
Friday, April 16, 2010


There were 30 or so of us on our team.  That's a big group!  But...we were able to get a lot accomplished in only one week.  We also had plenty of time (after dark, which in Haiti is about 6:30 pm) to hang out and fellowship.  We had group bonding time with a bible study after dinner.  Not only did we hang out with our group, of course we hung out with Haitians.

Lots of fellowshippin' happenin' below ;)

Big Bob (as the Haitians call him) and some sweet girls.

Morgan and George.  George is Wanderson's father.  Do you see where Wanderson gets his smile?!

Group of us girls throwing up the "J" (thanks to Karen for that joke).  And yes, I do look like a hippie.

Me, Mel, and Mel.

Celebrating a lunch break with some COLD cokes.  Refreshing on a hot Haitian day.

Jas and Leslie.  They became buddies.

Lots of fellowship took place here at this cinder block pile!  Tons and tons of block were moved throughout the week.

And I thought it would be appropriate to sum up this fellowship post and the Haiti posts with this group photo.  This was taken the day we left (or we thought we were leaving) for the US.  We're on the roof at Blanchard where we ate all of our meals.

It was a great trip.  Thanks for reading along and enduring all the many pictures as I documented our trip.

Haiti, you're still in our prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your Haiti posts. Thanks for sharing, Char!



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