
Friday, April 16, 2010


This is going to be my favorite Haiti post.  I got to take lots of pictures of Haitians.  They are such a good-lookin' group of people.  They all have amazing skin and wonderful teeth.

Take a look!

Denny, Pastor Leon, and some cute kids throwing up the Bull City sign...haha.

Look at that smile, and those eyes!

Leocardis and I.  She wrote me two letters and gave me two pictures of herself!  I will cherish them :)

Sweet girls.  They put baby powder on their necks to keep away any smell and take care of sweat.  All the girls wear those white ribbons in their hair to school every it!

Haha...I took several pictures of this kid and all he wanted to do was pose like a warrior.

I really like this picture.

Look at that little toothless smile in the middle...

No trip to Haiti would be complete without a visit with my Wanderson.  I miss him already! Oh man, that smile just melts me...

Aren't Haitians beautiful?



  1. Awwww, they are so adorable. I know you wanted to take them home with you! And look at your highlights coming out in that last pic!

  2. I like how you've organized your posts... I've been looking forward to read them each day! Great pictures, as always :)

  3. I'm glad you got to see your little boy Wanderson this year! What a cutie, :)


  4. Great pics, Charity!! I miss it already too...


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