
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today's focus on Haiti is about the work we did while down there.  It was a tough, but super rewarding work week.  Work usually began around 6:30-7 am and we didn't typically stop until 4 pm or so.

These manly men moved Wanderson and George's house to the other side of Repatriote (they are standing in front of their house).

We moved lots and lots of heavy rocks to be used in rebuilding part of the foundation in Cite Soleil.

And...there was plenty of painting at Cite Soleil.  Look at Jaaannn (haha) up on that ladder.

One of the neatest things we did was build/set up a 120' x 80' tent at Repatriote.  Later on in the week we got to attend the first service held under the tent with lots of Haitians!

Take a look at Mel busting up some block that had fallen from the earthquake.  Doesn't she look like a studette!? Rock on, Mel!

Towards the end of the week we started helping rebuild the surrounding wall at Cite Soleil.

And there's an overview of the work we did!  Lots of muscles were refined last week ;)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's focus, my favorite, HAITIANS!

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