
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beach Fling

A week ago today I got the chance (a rare one at that!) to go hang out at the beach with my college roomies.  It was good to just spend time together since we're fairly spread out and it's tough for the four of us to find common time.  It was quite enjoyable! :)

Lovely sunset at Joe's Crab Shack (by the way, they have DELISH popcorn shrimp...umm...)

Our side of the dinner table.

And the other side.

Haha...take a look at those baaaad pirate faces.  Argh, I think Steph wins, and I think Ems may need to walk the plank (her pirate face is a little too giggly).

Let's do it again, friends!  (and maybe without a 30 minute scenic detour through the neighborhoods of Myrtle, eh!?)

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