
Monday, May 17, 2010

a little sampling

We received a sweet package of Slovak goodies from our future team members.

Item 1:  (the green package with a name I'm unsure how to pronounce still)....that's some kind of soup, I believe.  This one we haven't tried yet.
Item 2:  LEIBNIZ!  These are butter cookies.  We'll just say we're going to be eating these up...they're YUM!
Item 3:  Podravka is a spice (kind of like all spice) that they use on nearly everything (so we hear).  We've eaten it on mashed potatoes so far and we're already digging it, too!

Now to learn Slovak so we'll actually be able to cook and prepare food in our future home.  But this little sampling of foods sure makes us happy :)  Here we come, butter cookies!


  1. aw how fun. it'll be here before you know it i'm sure! does rosetta stone teach slovak?? hehe

  2. yum! yeah, the little things you don't think about. Like being able to read a label in another language!


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