
Monday, September 6, 2010

Only Slightly Obsessed

Another thing Jason and I really got into at the beach (as well as my mom), was SHARK TEETH HUNTING.  It was a pretty intense hobby we picked up while walking the beach.

Jason had never found a shark tooth on the beach (he had found one only in a random parking lot once?? haha), so he finally got his chance this past week.  He was EXCITED, to say the least!

Here's the moment I captured when he found his first one.

And there it is--his first one!

Then it was my turn.  I found one too!

We were just a little zealous in finding these teeth ;)  And after our first two we found at least 10 more.  

And because we're nerds, we researched shark teeth the whole week.  If you ever need to know anything about them, hey, we got ya covered!

1 comment:

  1. I've never ever thought about looking for shark teeth on the beach so I've certainly never found one. Now I'm informed though so next time I'll look! Btw, I like your hair more and more each time I see it. So cute.



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