
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Krystal, Coffee, and Shootin'

Back a little bit ago I posted this post and said if anyone is interested in getting coffee, wants a photo shoot for my practicing, or just wants to hang out...let me know.  Well, my sweet friend, Krystal, from Appalachian days got in touch with me about two of and photos!

We set off to Starbucks, indulged in some fine chatting and coffee/tea and got to catch up.  I hadn't seen her in a while so we had a lot of ground to cover.  It was great! But the greatness didn't stop there...then we headed out to Duke Gardens for some photo-ing :)

Thanks Krystal for a fun afternoon and for being a model!  It was great to catch up, we'll have to do it again soon :)


  1. Great pics Char! You definitely have the photographer's eye. ;)

  2. Char- I know this comment is a bit late but I really like these, especially the last one--very nice :)


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