
Monday, October 11, 2010

Cruisin' The Vast Sea

Ahoy, maties!  We just returned from a week aboard the Pride!  It was time for the Palmer Family Vacation and we headed off to the Bahamas for a relaxing week.

Other than dealing with some motion sickness (we'll just say that while my hubby is a deer-hunting, manly man, sea legs don't come easily his way), we had some quality family time spent in the Atlantic.  We were on board the ship for 7 days, making pit stops at Port Canaveral, Nassau, and Freeport.  

It's safe to say that the food and the shows were my favorite things aboard, and Freeport, well, it's color and beautiful beach stole my heart. I know you all won't be surprised to know I took many pictures (though probably half as many as my father-in-law ;)  Hold on to your hat, here they come:

Part of the ship.  Loved the bright blue.

 I felt like a risk-taker dangling over the edge of the ship with my camera ;)

This colorful guy was swimming around an aquarium in Port Canaveral.

Nassau, Bahamas.

It's crazy how a couple of ropes hold that big 'ole ship in place.

A Time Share in the Bahamas, anyone?

Finally a family portrait after the five mile hike to get to the beach ;)

I have to say, it's definitely weird going on trips during the school year/work week, but hey, this is a transition period, right?  And we are thankful for this time to spend with our families before we head off to Slovakia!

A whole post dedicated to Freeport is coming your way (because it was my favorite!)  More tomorrow :)


  1. Very cool! You had me wishin I was there. The ship looked really nice, and of course I enjoyed all the pictures!

  2. BEAUTIFUL! glad you had a great trip and were able to get away and spend time with family. Love the family picture... looking forward to seeing Freeport tomorrow :)

  3. We love reading about the special times and looking at the great pics! However there is one slight grammatical error; "Ahoy" is spelled wrong. In Slovak it's "Ahoj" :-) Love you guys.

  4. I'm thankful for blogs and that I can keep up with you a little better through it. :) Otherwise I may never see all your cool pics and hear some of the details of life. Gonna read the other posts about your cruise now (can you tell I'm spending a little time now catching up on all your posts? haha)


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