
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Freeport the beautiful!

On Friday the ship stopped and dropped.  Dropped us off at Freeport, Bahamas, that is.  We didn't have long there, only about five hours, but it was a beautiful five hours.

We took a van into town and shopped some of the local shops.  Let's just say, if you'd been to one market stand, you'd been to them all.  The beach was within a few minutes walk (this time, unlike in Nassau), and so we spent some time there.  We took pictures, got in the water, Jas looked for sharks teeth (none found there), and I even got to put my Spanish into action for another family photo.  So without further ado, Freeport:

Palm trees might just be the neatest trees out there.  I'm thinking I won't get my palm tree fill in Slovakia.  Sad!

Funny and appropriate.

Can't you just see him with a real handlebar mustache?  For now, seaweed will have to do!

That brings us to the end of Freeport.  And before we fell asleep that night, while preparing to travel the ocean back home, we stumbled upon this movie...

I'm sure you can guess what movie that is...TITANIC, of course.  What in the world!?  What cruise line shows a movie about a sinking cruise liner?  Haha...oh how it made for a peaceful night's rest ;)

I sure am glad to say we made it back safely and there was no Titanic repeat.  We docked and got to spend a little time in Baltimore before heading home.  That's another post for another day...

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