
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Charm City = Charming

Our ship left and returned to Baltimore's Port of Maryland.  That meant that coming back on Sunday we got to spend a few special hours in Baltimore.  See, I really like seeing new cities and I had been wanting to visit Baltimore for some time (I had heard a lot about it from Marianne and the family since MAnne lived there for a while).

I also really wanted a crab cake.  And I got one!  From one of the top seafood restaurants out there--Obrycki's!  I also learned how to shell a crab...what a messy job.

A smashing good time...(haha, yes, I am really that corny...)

The boys ordered a dozen hard shell crabs to split.  Talk about working for your food...that's what these guys require.

After all that work, we were still hungry ;) so we headed to Little Italy...

Where we encountered this awesome joint,

They have authentic Italian pastries, gelato, you name it Italian-style and they've got it.  Jason had the pistachio gelato and it was definitely a cup of green goodness....yum!

Then sadly we headed home.  But I am glad to say I had a taste of Charm City, and it was indeed, charming.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a great trip, Char! Lovin' all the pics


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