
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meet These Meaty Empañadas

If I could choose one and only one magazine to read for the rest of my life it would be REAL SIMPLE.  Why?  Well, it's really simple...

It helps make life simple!  There are practical solutions to everyday problems, great ideas, money-saving tips, and wonderful, simple recipes.  And speaking of recipes, I often try their recipes.

Below is one such recipe that I tweaked to add meat for my carnivorous man:

Meaty Empañadas

You will need:
3-inch dough cutter (or a round circle of any sort that has a good edge)
two pie crusts
ground meat of your preference (you could use beef or turkey...)
fiesta corn in the can
Mexican cheese
garlic powder

1)  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2)  Brown your beef in a pan.  Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to the meat for flavor.
3)  Once meat is browned all the way, add corn (I eye-balled it, using about half a can) and cheese.
4)  Roll out dough and use circle cutter to create 3-inch circles.
5)  Place about a spoonful of meat mixture onto one half of circle cut outs.  Wet the edge of the dough.  Fold over into half-moon shape.
6)  Using fork, press edges together.
7)  Bake for 20 minutes.

Real simple, huh?  And simply delicioso ;)

I served these up with a side of Spanish rice and some salsa.  Go ahead, enjoy the fiesta in your mouth!

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