
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another Sad Goodbye

Yesterday was another day of sad goodbye's, or better yet, "see ya later's".  I must say this whole goodbye thing isn't easy.

Over the last couple of years I have gotten to know these girls really well.  We've passed a good many hours over coffee and ice cream just chatting about everything from our relationships with Christ to silly things (and all that's in between!).

I love them like sistas!

So yesterday we had a good time taking some pictures and hitting up Starbucks for some quality convo one last time before Jas and I head off.

And then....there may have been some tears shed when we all separated.  But I am thankful for the many good times we've had and will have again in the future!

Oh, and in case you're curious, Jas has been doing his fair share of "see ya later's" too, he's just not in to the whole carrying a camera around and taking pictures thing :)

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