
Thursday, January 20, 2011

FOUR days!

It's right around the corner.  We're on the home stretch.  It's almost time!

In four days we leave for training in Virginia.  Crazy!  The long process of applying, packing, moving, packing, preparing is coming to an end.  In four days we'll be at training, and then in two months we'll be headed to Bratislava...yip yip!

The last few days we have been running last minute errands, meeting up with friends to say our goodbye's (tear), and doing lots and lots of reading for both training and Slovakia.

We'll finish out the weekend, pack our bags, and head that way come Monday.  Thank you all for your prayers!

And I'll leave you with a picture of Rae, sweet Sophie, and I during our coffee date with Kim (taken from her blog).

1 comment:

  1. DON't LEAVE....just kidding :) but I will miss you!!!!


leave us some love!