
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More it!

Tonight I got to have some more QT (quality time, remember?)

My sweet El Salvadorian friend, Atta, drove down to Durham to hang out with me tonight.

We caught up over dinner and Starbucks.  And of course, took pictures (she's a rockin' photographer...check her out here).

I usually get to see her about once a year, so it's super special when we do meet up.  I'll miss our annual hang out over the next few years, but you can be sure when we're back in America that dinner and Starbucks will be in order :)


  1. Pretty lighting + Pretty Girls = Pretty photos! Yay for QT!

  2. Attabel you're so gorgeous! Good "seeing you", at least in pictures! :)


  3. Awww! Her hair has gotten so long! The last time I saw her was at your wedding. She is so much fun! And did a rockin job painting my nails :)


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