
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Box o' Yumminess!

The other day we opened our mail box and much to our excitement, we had a package!!!

And not just any package.

You see, Jason's sis, Marianne, is one heck of a chef (cook, baker, etc...). She basically rocks in the kitchen and can cook up a mean storm.  I'm a little envious (but we won't tell her that, right?)

All that to say, in our box was COOKIES!!!!  I love cookies.  And these weren't just any cookies.  There were Charity cookies (double chocolate chip) and Jason cookies (oatmeal raisin), and plenty of cookies to share.

We were pretty much stoked.

So thanks, Marianne, for the deliciousness.  And if any of you know Marianne you can always ask her to bake you some cookies...if you're lucky, she just might ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Charity! Glad ya'll liked the cookies! I love you two! - Marianne


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