
Saturday, February 19, 2011

September 18, 2011

That's the projected date.  That's right...a special date.

Of what, you ask?

Baby Palmer number ONE!

It's true!  You read correctly!  Baby Palmer 1 is on its way.  And we couldn't be more excited!!

After prayer and discussion we've decided its time to share with all our family and friends.  Yes, it's still fairly early, but we (and in particular I) have been learning over and over through the course of the past few weeks that this child is not ours.  It's the Lord's.  He can and will do with it as He pleases!

I am learning to trust Him with our baby's life.  And I am sure this will be a life-long lesson.  

We are asking that you pray with us and for us during this time!  Please pray particularly for this baby to continue to grow and be healthy.  Pray that we rest and rely solely on the Lord.  And pray that the Lord's will be done, and not our own.  We so appreciate it! 

And here's a picture of our little one at about 5 weeks.  Now he/she is around 10 weeks old!  Crazy!  What an amazing God we have :)


  1. congratulations you 2!!!! that is so excited :)

  2. This is sooo exciting. I can't wait to tell Julie. Blessings on you 3!!!!

  3. Congrats Charity!!!! So exciting!! I will keep you in my prayers!:)

  4. Congrats baby don't know it yet, but you have the BEST PARENTS EVER!!

  5. Beyond happy that God has chosen to bless you guys with a new addition. Looking forward to all the upcoming posts about what is to come! Ya'll are going to be super you both (oops all three)

  6. OMG Congratulations!!!!!!!! That is SO exciting. I'm so happy for you guys. I bet you have been dying to share ;) We will definitely be praying for you. Love you friend!

  7. Yay! Congratulations! Glad you could keep it secret that long... I am only 6.5 weeks and we just announced ours!! Oct 10 is the date:) YAY! Yay for foreign birth certificates and a foreign country listed on their American passport under "Country of Birth" :)
    Hope the cafeteria food 3 times a day hasn't been too hard on you. But if you ever get bored in a session you can always just chalk it up to "the sickies" and go take a nap right? :) SO FUN guys! Congrats!

  8. Congrats!! we are soooo excited for you!! hope you have been feeling ok! praying for you!

  9. yay!!!! Congratulations! What exciting news!!! We are so happy for you and will be praying for you guys during all these transitions! woo hoo!

  10. FINALLY we get to tell people!!! It has been sooo hard NOT to these past few weeks. We are sooo excited and love all 3 of you very much.

    P.S. I have already bought App & UNC booties, etc.

    Grandma & Grandpa Palmer

  11. I AM SUPER EXCITED! I don't know how I missed this! I heard from Dawn Bishop at Sophie's basketball game today. I will be praying for you all. What an exciting year for you guys. Ya'll will be AMAZING parents. OHHHH.....I just can't wait to see pictures! How are you feeling? so so so so so so so excited! Much love to all 3 of you.

  12. CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you all!! I will definitely keep you and baby Palmer in my prayers. What a blessed little baby :)

  13. Jason, Charity and Grandbaby,
    What a blessing that this precious child has the two of you for parents! What a gift from God to the two of you to be blessed with this little one! We pray continually for your little family.
    We love each of you always, today, tomorrow and forever.
    Grandmommy and Grandpop

  14. congrats yall i miss you very much hope yall are going to be great parents

  15. Congratulations! How exciting! I hope you aren't feeling too bad...and we will be praying especially for this new blessing in your life!


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