
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

You know that oldies song that goes "Monday, monday..."  Yeah, that came to mind for this here post title...don't ask me why.

Moving on.

We leave for Slovakia in FIVE days!  On Sunday!  Oh man, oh man, oh man.

There's a ton to be done the rest of this week.  We have papers to get stamped, appointments to attend, repacking to do, laundry to wash, family to hang out with, hugs to be given, and then a plane to board.  Whew!

But we know that in the midst of all the "to-do," God has already done a ton.  He's our strength.  Thank goodness!

And both Jas and I have one line memorized perfectly in Slovak (or at least we think).  That line is..."I am trying to learn Slovak."

Don't you think that'll come in handy? :)


  1. Oh Charity! I'm going to miss you!!!!

  2. haha! "I'm trying to learn Slovak." Way to go Char! You're well on your way. :)


  3. You both will be you already are. Will be praying for you and waiting to hear all the great things that God will do through you both. Take care ~ Love you!!!


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