
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day in D.C.

A few days ago we went for a day trip to Washington, D.C.  We broke up in to groups and Jas and I got to spend some quality time in the big city with our new friends, the Peercy's. 

We started at Union Station.  From there we hit up the metro (a lot!), then went to both the Slovak and Peruvian Embassies (where we got to talk to some Slovaks and Peruvians).  We ate at an amazing Latino restaurant for lunch (and yes, we indulged in some deliciously crispy chips...yum).  Amongst all our walking and metro riding we even had time for some sight-seeing...

Union Station

Beautiful blooms...spring is in the air.

Jas and Steven eating their pollo saltado

Kattie and I!

Their sweet baby, Evelyn.  She's precious.

As you can see, I am the stronger of the two of us.  Thank you, thank you very much :)  And if you look closely, there's the beginning of the baby bump...small though it may be, we're in the second trimester now!

Yay for a good, sunny day...out in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! When we went it was July 4th... and HOT! Hotter than anyday on the equator:)
    Not sure if you're an "Office" fan or not, but to your being the stronger of the two I would reply, "You have the strength of a full-grown man AND a little baby." My baby bump took forever the first time, but this time it's showing up faster than wanted! So excited... just a couple more weeks right???


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