
Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Sweet Surprise!

Yesterday I had plans to meet up with my good friend Steph.  You see, her husband is in marine training here in Virginia, so we had plans to catch up over breakfast.

Well, I walked in to the restaurant to meet her, gave her a hug, and then sat down.  We proceeded to talk, ordered drinks, etc...

The lady brought our drinks.

And right behind them were my other two sweet friends (and previous roommates) Erin and Emily.  I had no idea they were going to drive up so we could all meet together one last time before I leave.  It was an AWESOME surprise!

It made my day :)

We ate, then came back and they got "the tour."  Then we said bye to Steph as she left, and headed for coffee.

It was very special, and I am thankful for those girls.

Of course, we did forget to take a picture (after much mention of it), so I'll bust an old one out for memory's sake...

Christmas freshman year, good times :)


  1. Four of the most beautiful girls (inside and out) that I have ever known. I have always thanked God that He gave you all to each other. What a beautiful friendship you share with one another!

    I love each of you!

  2. It was so much fun, Char! I loved that you were so surprised. Btw, I hate that picture of me, haha. We definitely should have taken a current one! ;)


  3. I hope people assume we are at a TACKY christmas sweater party and that we do not normally wear knitted, christmas critter sweaters... normally, never say never... though I must say, we make them look good. Haha! I'm glad we pulled off a genuine surprise. It was a wonderful little trip :)

  4. Awww, so sweet! And that's funny you mentioned that Steph bc I was just thinking to myself... "Are they at a tacky Christmas sweater party?". lol!

  5. sigh...tacky Christmas can they ever go out of style?! "Tacky" is in the eye of the beholder, I guess!!!


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