
Sunday, June 26, 2011

28 weeks!

Today is 28 weeks for the lil one growing in my belly...which is super exciting because that means we're in the home stretch.  Hello, Third Trimester :)

This week baby has eyes that can open and close and her lashes are even formed. Amazing. She is just working on chunking up now...gotta get that fat!

Oddly enough this week my body has decided to forego any nausea and so I'm thinking I was just supposed to endure it for 2 trimesters and not the third??  I guess we'll see.  Other than that, back pain and not sleeping well are the only other things going on and I won't complain about that!

In (Lord-willing) 11 to 12 weeks we'll get to meet our baby girl.  Lots of things to do between now and then.  We're thankful, hopeful, and continuing in prayer for a healthy delivery and baby.


  1. YAY! So glad you "only" had 6 months of nausea. So excited for your last few weeks!

  2. Awww, your little belly is SUPER cute!


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