
Monday, June 27, 2011


Some random items come to mind today...

1)  I made THESE amazing cake batter truffles the other day.  Her's look way better than mine, but MAN they tasted amazing.  Great recipe.

2)  I found the recipe originally on pinterest.  Have you heard of pinterest?  I'm sure you probably's all the rage these days!  Here's where you can find me there :)

3)  We took our first language test!!  It wasn't as bad as we thought, though we are anxiously awaiting the results.  We'll see how it went!

4)  We're off to Poland for a conference and then we'll be helping with an English camp here in Slovakia.  Blogging may be somewhat sporadic over the next week and a half...but we'll be back!

5)  Have a splendid week and a half :)


  1. These look yummy. Your folks (Jason) came in and joined us for dinner the other night. Always a treat! Glad you're doing well...Charity, you are stunning! Miss you guys and pray for you daily. Much love from the Cline's.

  2. These look amazing! I so wanna try to make them. I looked at the recipe and I think I might be able... We'll see. I'm famous here for not being able to cook. haha.

  3. Those look absolutely AMAZING! That may need to be on the to-do list this weekend:)


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