
Friday, June 10, 2011

Good Conversation with a Side of Tea

Tuesday night of this past week we got together with some Slovaks (and fellow American) for some conversation over tea.

We all ordered some type of tea (Jas had some very strange tea that tasted like bread...odd, indeed).  Then we chatted about church, community, and Christ.  I mostly listened due to some stretching pains I was feeling in my belly (yay baby!), but it was good stuff.

It's a good time each Tuesday night and I'm hoping next week there will be some girls there (Marina, what do you say? :)

And the whole time I was thinking of this verse:
"Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house."  Matthew 5:15

We're called to share...let's do it!

Speaking of lamps, I found this awesome one there at the tea house...

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