
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So we received a package not long ago (thank you Chambers class!) and in it was one of my favorite magazines, Real Simple.

I was perusing through it the other day and I stumbled upon this ad:

An ad for Mrs. T's Pierogies! HA! Why is this funny, you ask?  Well, you see here in Slovakia pirohy (as it's said here) is served quite commonly as a traditional dish.  I looked up it's origins and it's a dish found in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.  And I just couldn't help but think it was funny that you can find them in America (according to my research this is due to Eastern Europeans being in America and now they're marketed)!

What made it even more humorous was the fact I had them the night before.  I only wish I had taken a picture!  They're delicious.

This is kind of what they look like served here:

source: found here

So go ahead and head to the store and grab you some pirohy (or pierogies).  They're great and you'll feel like you're in Europe :)

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