
Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 weeks!

30 weeks...hooray!  That means in about 9 or 10 weeks, hopefully, we'll be able to meet our lil girl.  Each day we get more and more excited :)

Baby girl has been kicking up a storm.  I feel like I say that every time, but she seriously gets stronger weekly in her kicks (though I guess as she runs out of room in there, that'll slow down some...).  She now weighs 3.5 pounds and is still measuring about a week ahead...we'll see what happens!

And, wouldn't ya know it, good 'ole friend nausea decided to return this week and bring with it a lovely case of sinusitis (you can probably see in my face above the signs of sickness :P).  So we're currently fighting off the crud over here.  But we are thankful baby is strong and growing and we just keep looking forward to and praying for her arrival in September!


  1. Love that belly! You look beautiful even while being sick. :) I'm so sorry the nausea returned :( maybe when the sinus infection goes it'll take it away again?!! Just a feewwww more weeks no matter!

  2. You look beautiful, just like your aunt!!!!!!!!:0)


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