
Monday, July 11, 2011

Will it EVER Clear Up!?

That was what we kept wondering this past week at camp in Ruzomberok. The first four days were rainy, cloudy, and all together just COLD.  It was like winter, but in the summer...crazy!  Jas and I weren't quite expecting it and I think it caught us off guard (though we had been warned!)

This was our attire for most of the week...

BUT, I will say, these campers were troopers and sun or no sun they stuck it out and enjoyed every last minute of outdoor games....awesome!

Speaking of, here are a plethora of pictures from the week's games.

A Photo Challenge Scavenger Hunt.

Patiently waiting their turns during a human-sized game of Trouble.

Relay race which included this stick version of "dizzy bat"

AND then...

you see it correctly, that's right, threading string through a needle (after being dizzy!)

Team Building games

A more complicated version of Capture the Flag

A team vs. team game of "grab that flag!" (at least that's what I'm calling it)

And a straw, water-collecting, relay race.

There also was a welcomed guest that participated in almost all the games.  Meet Murko (the cat):

He's quite the photogenic lil mammal wouldn't you say?

But the fun didn't stop there...they also were awoken in the middle of the night for a night game involving glow sticks...

On top of all that fun they attended daily English classes, were a part of small groups, had campfires (just 2 due to the weather!), and most importantly, the best part, they heard about Jesus and some chose to accept Him as their personal Savior!

It was a good camp, despite the weather, but the best part of it all was getting to know the kids that came.  I really enjoyed them and am praying for them even now.

I made it all the way until the end of the week before getting sick!  I contracted an ugly migraine and then it turned into a sinus infection...yuck.  BUT, we made it back to Bratislava and are now gearing up for Ridgecrest team's arrival.  Prayers, please, that it would be a fruitful time of ministry (Satan is always at work...but GOD is bigger!)

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