
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Success? Perhaps?

You may or may not have been following along with us as we navigate our very own Veggie Tales (also known as trying to grow our own balcony garden vegetables), but if you have been, then you may remember our cucumber plant taking off with some major cucumber sprouts.

Well, then we hit the road for two weeks and left our awesome Slovak tutor in charge of watering our plants.  She did an amazing job, as would be expected, and the plants received plenty of water.  However, it was supposedly quite hot the weeks we were gone and our poor cucumber plant couldn't withstand the heat.

HOWEVER, we were SHOCKED to come home to this guy:

All that watering had been soaked up by our one lone cucumber that overtook the whole planter!  It was HUGE!  We were sad at the seeming loss of our cucumber plant, but we were equally stoked that this guy had grown so!  Success? We'll chalk it up to one :)

And here's the proud grower himself demonstrating it's ginormous size... (and don't mind the hair, it's a new fashion trend here in Slovakia)

And just in case you were wondering, we still have some hope for the lil cucumber plant that seemed to be dead/dying...this morning it appears there may be two new little cucumbers fighting to take off...score!

1 comment:

  1. That thing is huuuuuuuge! That's amazing. I do not have a green thumb at all, but our flowers and crepe myrtle tree are still living. So when ppl ask how they're doing, I say they're alive which means they're doing well to me!

    I hope you guys are wonderful! You are beautiful


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