
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Colorful Kitchen Quick-Fix

In the midst of all this "nesting" that has kicked in, a kitchen cabinet re-organization was in order.  So Jas and I set off organizing the cabinets one afternoon.

And all that brought about the messiness better known as bags of baking products leaking and causing tiny bits of flour, sugar, salt, etc. all over the place.  I knew we needed some containers to hold those important items and avoid as much mess as possible.

Cue mod podge, scissors, cleaned olive jars (yes, they're a staple in our house), scrapbook paper, and black sharpie.  It took all of 15 minutes total.  And voila! New, bright containers...

They're not perfect, but hey, they're perfectly cheap and colorful :)


  1. Too fun! You should write the Slovak word under them (or on the other side) for when your friends come to help you bake!!

  2. I like those a lot! PTL they have Mod Podge in Slovakia!!!!!! haha ;)


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