
Thursday, August 18, 2011

What We've Been Doing...

Lately we've been doing lots and lots of this...

laundry, laundry, and more laundry.

He wasn't quite sure what to think of just how small they are.  Teenie, tiny, it's true.

And we've been finishing up her nursery, praying lots, and getting things ready for her arrival anytime in the next month! :)

Other than that, we've been studying hard in Slovak, spending time with a team here from California, and marking to-do's off of our list.  Much going on!


  1. Can't believe she'll be here so soon! Love all the sweet little clothes!

  2. Fun work!! You need one of those "octopus" hanging dryer things (it's what we call them, it's round shaped with clothes clips on the ends)...saves lots of space on the drying rack!
    Can't wait to see the room and that baby girl!

  3. Can't wait to see Christiane Jillian.

  4. Tell Jason the craziest part is those teeny tiny socks will shallow her feet up.....they will be way to big those first few weeks!

    Ready to meet your sweet girl!


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