
Friday, August 5, 2011

Vacay to Austria

Jas and I decided to take a mini pre-baby vacation to Vienna, Austria for two days.

The past month has been a busy one and it was great to just take some time to enjoy together!

First we decided to explore the city a little, where we found this adorable advertisement.  Of course, I suggested Jas put on his pretend earphones for a photo op (because what kind of photographer wife would I be if I didn't? :)

Beautiful, I tell ya...

And we did find one of the local Starbucks to indulge (Bratislava is too small a city to have one of its own).  A chai latte was in order--cold this time, since it was hot out...

The next morning we headed off to see the famous Austrian-bred Lipizzaner horses perform at the Spanish Riding School.  Jas and I were both very excited about this...

As expected, it was worth our excitement because these horses are pretty amazing.  Even if we were in the standing room section!

This double style was used for the Emperor's hunting back in the day.  The first horse pulled the carriage to the hunting ground, and then the Emperor would use the front horse to ride while hunting.  Pretty interesting...

And that's a mama and baby.  They don't turn white until they are about 3 years old!

We thoroughly enjoyed the show (that could be a good horse pun ;) and would recommend it to anyone visiting Vienna.

We were also able to visit a butterfly house, which made for LOTS of really great pics.  Check back soon, we'd love to share!


  1. Yay for a "babymoon" mini vacay! Cool horses... we learned the other day that the Arabic word for "Let's go!" is "Hiya" (hee-yah!)

    And I find it hard to believe your city doesn't have starbucks?!?!! Isn't it the capital? Doesn't it have ikea?? Our ikea shopping center has 3 starbucks in it alone! Glad you got to indulge!!

  2. Hi Jason and Charity! I suppose it's appropriate to post a comment under Sharon seeing as how she suggested that we "introduce" ourselves to you. My husband and I grew up in the same town with Sharon and are missionaries in Prague. We were in Bratislava last weekend and when Sharon saw some of the pictures she mentioned that she had friends in Bratislava too. I must say, we SO enjoyed our time in your city. It was amusing to be in a "foreign" city yet be able to understand so much of the language. And we loved the architecture and art scattered throughout the town! If you're ever looking for a reason to visit Prague, perhaps we could meet for coffee sometime. We have more than a few Starbucks. :)

    p.s. We visited Vienna last fall for the first time with my husband's parents but your pictures reminded me that there's so much more to see there!


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