
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vienna: Butterfly House!

While in Vienna we also visited a butterfly exhibit.  We were a little skeptical about it at first, but it ended up being one of my favorite things we did.

These butterflies were BEAUTIFUL and it was completely worth it if for nothing else but the pictures we were able to capture...
Seriously!?  Look at that detail, and God's handiwork...
There were plenty of bright flowers to attract all those butterflies.
And this last guy seemed to be posing for the camera.  My very favorite shot:
Jas did a great job getting most of the shots of these butterflies because he's a bit steadier with the hand when it comes to creatures that can flutter easily.  I, on the other hand, would not make a good National Geographic photographer. 

Maybe a good garden photographer, though.  Plenty of rose pics coming your way, too!

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