
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day of Mary and Around Town

A couple days ago Slovaks celebrated "Day of Blessed Virgin Mary," or "Day of our Lady of Sorrows." It's a holiday here where everyone has the day off and many Catholics pray, feast, and give thanks to Mother Mary.

Jas and I wanted to check it out and see how they were celebrating the day, so we decided to head downtown and get a glimpse at some of the churches.  We observed that many were in attendance at mass.

A poor quality camera phone pic-but this was taken from the window inside one of the churches.

A common scene often observed outside of the churches here.  People exiting and the homeless are there waiting.

If only Jesus were celebrated as much as Mary is...

In other news, I also decided it was high time (well, rather past time) to get some shots of the city we live in.  So here are some random shots of Bratislava!


  1. So, the spikey things... are those fruit? While I was in Costa Rica a couple years ago for student teaching we tried a fruit that had that same kind of exterior. It was surprisingly good!

  2. I have that one kind of weed in my yard.

  3. Because we haven't officially met yet, it feels a bit stalkerish to post a second comment on your blog. However, I was reminded recently that Sharon Rivers is due soon and that she had connected me to you and that you were also expecting, so I hopped over to your blog to see if your baby girl had made her appearance yet. And this post just begged to be commented on because that picture you posted of the graffiti wall - I took that same exact photo when we were in Bratislava last month with the intent of hanging it in our child's room. So fun that it caught your eye too.


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