
Thursday, September 15, 2011

He Knows Her

I've been pondering this passage in Psalms, and particularly this verse, for some time now.  To be honest, the Lord has taught me a lot (and still is...that's lifelong, right?) about trusting Him throughout this entire process of pregnancy/impending birth...

I've struggled with fears and worries.  It's true.  I hate to admit it, pridefully, but I've wanted to try and control as much as I can with this little baby in my belly.  And He has shown me, and continues to do so, that I am certainly NOT in control.  Anything can happen, but HE already knows what is happening and what will happen.  I'm reminded of that by the above verse.

He knows everything about the precious child He's formed/is forming in my belly.  He knows what she will look like, what strengths and weaknesses she'll have, how many hairs she'll have, how many days on this earth she'll have.  Bottom line: He KNOWS her and He loves her.  Way more than Jas or I ever can or will.

I know we will only learn more from here as we become her parents, but I am thankful to be reminded of this daily as I read this passage and verse.  We have a BIG God and I am thankful daily at His grace for forgiving me when I worry and don't trust.  In the end, no matter what I try to do (and/or don't do), He's got it covered, thankfully.


  1. Really no more can be said than what you have so eloquented written. You will be a beautiful mommy because you are a beautiful person. Best of luck with the birth of Christiane and can't wait to see the pictures of my blue eyed great niece, Lu. ILYABAAPAAHATN.

  2. Sorry I mispelled eloquently


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