
Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Beloved Fall...

Do you know how much I love the season of fall?  Apparently as much as the rest of blogworld (and pinterest for that's exploding with wonderful fall ideas).

And while I have yet to experience fall in Slovakia, I'm just as excited about it!  While summer comes in a close second (what's not to love about warm weather and sunshine?), winter doesn't do it for me it being cold all the time and such.  And spring, well, it would be great...minus allergies.  So fall takes the cake with all it's wonderful smells, colors, and just-right weather.  Ah, love.

In an attempt to "fall-ify" our flat the other day, I picked up these 1 euro glitter leaves at Kaufland's.  They make a nice backdrop for the mango salsa candles I love (thanks MIL!).

And there were so many in the pack, I decided to make a garland to hang at the entrance of our flat.

Super simple.  Leaves, glue, and string.

Then today, my thoughtful hubs brought home a bouquet of fall-inspired flowers from the store as a surprise (he's fully aware that I'm 40+ weeks pregnant and ready for our daughter to be here, too ;) ha.

Love the color.  Love it.
And in some not-so-fall news, we finally have a RED tomato! It may have taken about four months, but our tomato plant did yield a red mater. yum!

Obviously we Palmers take awhile to grow things around here (babies and tomatoes :P)

Happy Fall!

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