
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcome to the World, Elise!

She's here!  Well, four days ago she arrived.  September 24, 2011 at 4:39 pm (Central European time).  At a whopping 8 pounds, 8 ounces and with quite a large head she made her way into the world :)  We're super thankful to the Lord and we feel blessed to be her parents.

More pictures forthcoming, of course!


  1. She is the most beautiful granddaughter in the world. We are thankful to God for her.

    We love you, Elise.
    Grandmommy and Granddaddy

  2. Love it! Her name is so pretty! And no worries about big-headed babies. We had one too and his head is STILL big...chocked full of brains! :) Congrats and MANY blessings to your new family of 3!

  3. She is so pretty! I'm in love (and so is
    Sophie!) Hope you guys are getting some rest. Love you all!!!!

  4. Congrats Charity!!! She is beautiful!! :)

  5. yay!!!!!! she's here!!!! congrats guys!!! can't wait to see more pictures of her as she is now the new star of your blog I'm sure!


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