
Monday, October 24, 2011

One Month!

We have a one-monther!  What in the world!?  Where did the time go?

I think I'm starting to understand already just how quickly the time goes...

And speaking of the lil one, here she is now.

And some deets (that's details for anyone out there who is thinking I'm talking about bug spray ;)...
Height: 57 cm (22 inches)
Weight: 4,170 grams (approx. 9 lbs., 2 oz.)
Major milestones: eating, pooping, getting stronger neck muscles during tummy time, noticing objects slowly but surely, and just being plain cute!

That's our one month old (sigh). We're loving being her parents!


  1. I got to see lots of sweet baby pictures on Sunday! Loved looking at your sweet girl. She is precious. Roseann is quite the proud grandma! Sooooo cute!

  2. Happy one month! Love that heart blanket (sheet?)!!

  3. that was a fast month!!! love your Elise posts!!

  4. She is so sweet, and precious. We love you, Elise.

  5. It's funny now seeing the blanket again because it looks really similar to the artwork you drew for her walls! Man, I'm good!! haha ;-) .... I can't believe she's one month already. She looks great and I think I'm seeing some resemblance to Jason now. Do you?

  6. Wow, that does seem like it has gone by fast! And look at those long toes! Maybe she will give Kevin some competition ;) haha

  7. How precious!! Also, thanks for my thank you note!! It was such a sweet surprise to get in the mail. I loved the duckie robe cameo a few posts back! She looked adorbs. Love you guys!


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